Dear Brother and Sister Kershisnik,
My wife and I live in Hong Kong and were out walking this evening to a little restaurant for our anniversary dinner.
While walking we ran into your son and his companion. We stopped to introduce ourselves and to chat. He sure looked happy and excited to be there. He was giving off such a kind and warm spirit. I am sure he is a great missionary. I snapped a quick picture of him on my cell phone....sorry about the soso quality but I think you can catch the smile.
My wife Debby and I live in the Victoria First Branch. We just moved here after living in China for 10 years.
Again, thanks for having Elder Kershisnik out here. It's great to see our missionaries in action.
Kind regards,
Heinz Dickens
I have always relied upon the kindness of strangers...Awesome everything: photo, Noah and companion, the city behind them, the kind people who stopped, talked, snapped a photo and communicated with the family.